BYD’s "Easy Sifang" five-link board with motor on the side of fire wheel and leading stock Tongda Power.

Hong kong stocks fluctuated today, how to observe the broader market? Huang Deji, executive director of Jinlifeng Securities Research Department, said that the positive economic data in the Mainland led to the recovery of AH shares, and there was still room for growth in the second quarter. Tencent, the leading company, was steadily reduced by Prosus, the major shareholder of South Africa, and its shareholding fell to 24.6%. Wang Xing, ceo of Meituan, reduced his holdings of LI for three consecutive days last week, selling about 0.23% of B shares and cashing in more than HK$ 500 million. Shang Tang, the leader of Ai, continued to be reduced by Softbank, the major shareholder. Softbank’s Soft View Fund reduced its holdings of Shang Tang B shares last week and cashed in HK$ 35.13 million. How to observe the behavior of major shareholders’ reduction after performance? Huang Deji said that it is forbidden to reduce holdings in the earnings season, and it is understandable to leave after the results are announced.